What Are Common Causes of Probate Litigation in Florida?
Probate Litigation Attorneys, Palm Beach County FL
Litigation of any kind is stressful and emotionally charged. Probate litigation and other estate-related disputes are usually even more so, given that such litigation is often among family members.
Probate litigation is broadly defined as the legal process of contesting the validity of a will, and/or the administration or distribution of an estate, by interested parties such as beneficiaries, heirs and creditors
Among the most frequent reasons for Florida probate litigation actions:
* Validity of the trust or will is challenged by an interested party who believe they were excluded unfairly
* Allegations of undue influence or lack of testamentary capacity in the creation of the will or trust, leading to will contests and inheritance disputes
* Trustee or personal representative accused of breach of fiduciary duty or other serious mismanagement of the estate in question, including suspicion of criminal activity, such as embezzlement
* Claims brought against the estate by alleged creditors
* Beneficiaries in dispute over how the estate should be divided and distributed
* Accusations that the will is fraudulent or not created and executed in compliance with requirements of Florida law
At Kitroser Lewis & Mighdoll, our skilled attorneys offer 100+ years of legal experience in all types of estate-related litigation, including tenacious advocacy for our clients in Probate and Trust Litigation, Will Contests and other Inheritance Disputes.
If you need to protect your rights and interests in the face of such litigation, we look forward to working with you soon.
North Palm Beach Office: 561-721-0600
Stuart Office: 772-763-1400
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