Unfair Division of an Inheritance in Florida?
Will Contest and Inheritance Dispute Attorneys Palm Beach & Martin County, FL
In many cases, parents create Wills and estate plans where their assets are to be divided equally among their children after their passing, which they see as the fairest option for all their beneficiaries.
However, this decision can create division, conflict and even litigation among those beneficiaries if one or more feels that they have not been left as generous a share as they think they’re entitled to receive.
Among the sources for such assertions:
* One sibling has been the primary caregiver and/or financial supporter of the aging parents and thus deserves a larger share as their inheritance.
* That another sibling has received greater financial support from the parents in the past and should get less of an inheritance.
* That one sibling has exerted undue influence over the parent’s documentation of their Will in order to be unfairly left a larger share.
* A stepparent has exerted undue influence over a dying parent to secure a more favorable distribution of estate assets than what was originally planned; sometimes even just prior to death or after a parent has become cognitively impaired.
At Kitroser Lewis & Mighdoll, we recognize that unfortunately, estate-related litigation may be unavoidable in certain justified circumstances.
If you think you have been wronged in an inheritance situation, we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Offices in North Palm Beach and Jensen Beach, FL